Hey friend,
I hope you're enjoying the last few days of Summer. I personally love Fall and always welcome the transitions between seasons (I think it has to do with being a Vermonter). However, I can't believe we only have 4 months left of 2024. The closer we come to another year ending the more anchored I like to get in my routine, vision, goals, and general wellbeing. I have made a lot of changes this past year and while it hasn't been easy, and I haven't been perfect with them, I can say that they have had an overall positive affect on my life. So I wanted to take this time to share what I have currently been up to within my days. Things that have helped me on my journey, and furthermore, perhaps a way for you to get to know me.
Read below to see what I'm creating, learning, practicing, reading, listening to, watching, drinking, and committing to.

When you run a business there is never a break between projects and creations. 2024 has been a huge, important year for myself and Free Spirited Wanderer. It has brought bigger obstacles and hardships than I imagined. Yet, it's also brought clarity, joy, and opportunity. There is a part of me that wishes all of this was easier, but I also know what comes my way is what I need for my own personal growth, fulfillment, and assisting in a secure / successful future for FSW.
Right now I am currently working on / creating:
The Vermont Retreat workbook + final details
Finalizing our 2025 FSW Retreat Tour (this has been a majority of my day!)
Launching our 2025 lineup the first week of Sept.
Securing 2026 retreat venues / dates (yup, how crazy is that?!)
Building relationships for new & upcoming FSW offerings
Collaborations with lululemon Birkdale as their new Yoga Ambassador
Outlining new Free Your Spirit Podcast episodes & connecting with potential guests
Free Spirited Wanderer Apprenticeship starting in 2025

I have been teaching yoga for 10 years and my style, values, and personal philosophy has shifted over time quite a bit. Last month I dropped the only studio / group vinyasa class I teach. Mostly because FSW requires my full attention right now, but second, I have lost my connection to Vinyasa and have felt uncertain with how I currently desire to teach that class.
I am finally taking action on this longtime feeling and I am beyond excited to share that I just enrolled in Para Yoga's Vinyasa Krama 40hr Online Course. I have been a student of Para Yoga / Rod Stryker since 2019 and as my yoga practice and teachings change, I find myself aligning more and more with their philosophy. Vinyasa Krama means 'wise progression' and refers to the science of sequencing. I share this because you can expect my FSW Retreat yoga classes to shift for the best in 2025. My classes will be even more powerful, purposeful, and effective than before.
On top of this, you can expect Yoga Nidra practices on our 2025 Retreats as I finish up that course with Johnna Smith.

On August 9 (my last day in Peru) I made a new commitment: practice 15 minutes of Spanish a day with duolingo. We retreat in too many Spanish speaking countries for me to not know the language. Language is really difficult for me to learn. I lived in Salamanca, Spain for 3 months and I still didn't pick up on it easily. {Although, I also wish I would have tried harder.} SO now is the time! Duolingo makes it fun to learn and I have been really enjoying the time I carve out for it everyday.
**If you're on duolingo connect with me via the QR code or my username. :)

I recently transitioned from the traditional 6 day a week Ashtanga Yoga method to 3-4 days a week as I tend to some injuries. Not only have the days lessened, I have dropped 2nd series and practice a very small portion of primary series. My real practice right now is acceptance, compassion, loving awareness, embracing change, and how to handle life's challenges with strength & grace.
I am focusing on getting outside and walking 5 days a week along with my PT exercises to help my healing process and mental state. To be honest, the change of pace and movement has been really great and my body is responding well.
I find my pranayama, meditation, and mantra practices to be more essential than ever and I still begin my mornings with them. Johnna Smith's Sadhana Journal is also a current spiritual anchor.

I picked this book up in Peru at the retreat center's library and have been LOVING it. I've been wanting to read it for sometime and I'm so happy I finally started it. During our free time on the retreat I would curl up in my hammock and read this, and I loved the pieces of wisdom I was able to take away. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in living a more mindful life.

This is my all-time favorite yoga book and one I will be reading always and forever. I pick it up every now and then when I want to refresh on a certain subject or refine my practice or teachings. I highly recommend this book to those who are looking to develop a yoga practice beyond the asana (the postures / physical practice) and how to take personal responsibility within your own practices and life. This book is wonderful whether you are brand new to yoga, or a seasoned practitioner.

The Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience - how the brain and its connections with the organs of our body controls our perceptions, behaviors, and health. I find his research to be fascinating and I have been able to apply a lot of the knowledge and practices to my own life. My favorite recent episode is with Dr. Martha Beck, "Access Your Best Self with Mind-Body Practices" https://open.spotify.com/show/79CkJF3UJTHFV8Dse3Oy0P?si=f47afe663b80404a

Some of you also know I am a big music fan. My favorite artists I've been binging lately are:
Trevor Hall (always and forever) (I listen to him anytime of day and especially when I am feeling stressed and need to recenter and find my calm)
Rufus Du Sol (fave artists for background music while I work)
Connor Price (I blame my husband for my recent rap obsession)
Emmit Fenn (for good vibes)
Anine Bing (my favorite clothing designer came out w/ an album and it's the perfect chill vibes)
Carole King (my other always & forever - she's my bff every Saturday morning)

My husband and I have been binging the h**l out of Lost. Such a throwback and one I never saw. I am huge movie / tv show lover (basically I just love to laugh) and it's one of my favorite ways to unwind at night and allow my mind to quiet from any chaos of my day. It's even better when my husband and I fully agree on what we're watching (HA). But honestly, I'm loving this show and it's been super fun / exciting / mysterious / thrilling to watch.

In Jan. 2024 I quit drinking alcohol. (I tried 2 glasses of wine in Italy in June and my body said no both times.)
I quit because my body was literally rejecting it in 2023. I finally said to myself that my life, dreams, and business were too important to me to not feel my best, especially when it was completely within my control.
For alcohol alternatives, Kombucha will always be my go-to. When I want more of an aperitif, mocktail, or rosé - I reach for Desoi and I love the added adaptogen benefits.
I haven't found an alcohol-removed wine that I like (if you know of one, let your girl know!) but I have found a few NA beers - 'Jelly King Dry Hopped Sour' by Bellwoods Brewery is my FAVE and tastes like the real thing. Athletic Brewing Co is also a super solid choice and you can find them almost anywhere these day.

And obviously, I drink Buoy Hydration all day, everyday. I've been using Buoy for almost a year and I can honestly say it's the BEST electrolyte on the market. I love that its flavorless so I can add it to any drink. It's also amazing for travel and better on the environment as it reduces single use plastic. Before Buoy I was using electrolytes that were sugary, with additives, and no trace minerals. I wasn't feeling hydrated, and I was still feeling depleted. Buoy has helped me to slowly hydrate through out the day, feel more energized, have glowing skin, and ZERO excuses not to replenish my body with electrolytes and trace minerals because they make it so damn easy.
Learn More + Try Buoy w/ 20% via the link below:

8pm - 8am Monday - Friday my life is a
"NO PHONE ZONE". As I said in my recent podcast episode, the more I travel the less of a desire I have to be on my phone.
Early Summer I got into a poor habit of checking my email, texts, or dm's first thing in the morning. I would be making my morning coffee and using one finger to type an email response. {Incorrect method}. I found myself feeling stressed, rushed, and out of balance. I also slipped out of my "no phone in bed" commitment and found myself struggling to fall asleep from the stimulation.
What was I getting from being on my phone early in the morning and right before bed? To make it simple - nothing beneficial.
By staying off my phone these hours I have been teaching myself how to slow down, be more present, make the little moments matter more, and let go of multitasking to become focused on one-thing at a time. I feel revitalized and notice the entire course of my day has shifted back into alignment with my values, health, and wellness.
This is a bit of what I have been up to. I hope by sharing this it may help you on your own journey in some way or another. Or, I hope it enabled you to get to know me as a business owner, yoga student & teacher, and of course, human being.
Much love,
Carole the freespiritedwanderer